This page is from the original Don't Let Me Stop You blog. We have moved to a new site: Visit DLMSY on WordPress.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

The Anti-CAIR

Mustafa Akyol & Zeyno Baran on Islam on National Review Online. When all Muslims are like these guys, the world will be safe.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Grizzly Mama vs. CAIR

Monica (aka Grizzly Mama) attended a recent meeting in Philadelphia sponsored by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). Read her excellent report on the meeting: Grizzly Report: We Are At War.

Monica bears witness to the fact that, although CAIR claims the mantle of "moderation," they are not the least bit moderate in any real sense. It's a real eye-opener, especially if you haven't heard the real story on CAIR before.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Math Quiz

Via Roy.
You Passed 8th Grade Math
Quiz Picture
Congratulations, you got 10/10 correct!

Blog Tweaks

We made some minor, overdue changes to the list of Nebraska blogs in the right sidebar.

Added Roger on the Right. This is Roger Snowden's second blog (the other is Non-Box Thinking), making him the second blogger to get double blogrolling at DLMSY. Trivia points will be awarded to the first commenter to come up with the other blogger who has been so honored. (Accidental, temporary duplication in the blogroll doesn't count here.)

Apparently, someone once complained that he couldn't tell when Roger was kidding in his posts on Non-Box Thinking. The idea is that all satirical posts will be made now on RotR ("Ah! But whose tongue and which cheek?") rather than NBT. At any rate we can now find Roger's posts in two places rather than one. Now if we could just get him to write twice as much...

Added The Plain Patriot. This is a new blog from Mark, former Air Force, now Lincolnite.

Added Arts Preserve. This is another new blog, apparently in Lincoln, with a focus on arts (Duh!). There's a lot we don't quite get about Arts Preserve, for example: how many people are actually involved. Perhaps it's one person with multiple personalities. (Just kidding, AP.) Still there's quite a bit of interesting and fun stuff on the site.

Removed Redd Omaha. The link has been broken for awhile now, but if it reappears we'll put the link back up.

Coup Attempt in the Philipines

President Gloria Arroyo of the Philipines has been facing a lot of dissatisfaction and unrest for several months. Lately an attemped coup by some military elements was foiled, but she's not out of the woods yet. Our friend, Roy Choco, who lives in Manila, writes on his blog, Random Thoughts:
But before anything else I want to state my position here. I do not favor any extra-constitutional means to relieve President Arroyo of her position. If this "protest" succeeds in unseating the President, the military will have become the deciding force in unseating 3 Philippine Presidents within 20 years, and the only president they did not unseat was a former general himself.

The Philppines does not need that, what we need is to depoliticise the Armed Forces, not to make them more political. We need the Armed Forces to acknowledge Civilian supremacy. This is the only way we can have a stable democracy.
Roy is a very sensible guy. We can't say whether or not Pres. Arroyo deserves to be re-elected when her term is complete, but we do believe Filipinos will be much better served when these questions are decided exclusively through the ballot box. There will be no real democracy until the Filipino military learns to accept the rule of law whether or not they like the results.

Roy has more about the coup attempt and its aftermath in an earlier post.

Update: Roy notes in the comments that he should have said "the only president they did not attempt to unseat." Pres. Aquino did serve her entire term, although there were coup attempts against her. Also, Pres. Arroyo will not be re-elected, as presidents of the Philipines are limited to one 6-yr term.

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